DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - ACT ONE 21. 22 NEW ANGLE Odo intercepting Kira and Shakaar, who were held back by a well-wisher. SHAKAAR (to Odo) We're going to take a stroll. ODO If you tell me where you're going, I'll secure your route. SHAKAAR (smiling) If I knew where we were going, it wouldn't be a stroll, would it? Odo stifles his reaction. ODO I suppose not. I'll escort you. SHAKAAR Fine, but just you. Shakaar steps toward the door, and as he passes by Odo, leans in close. SHAKAAR (sotto) And don't stay too close. Odo is unsure what to make of this, but turns and follows Shakaar and Kira out... 23 INT. CORRIDOR as Shakaar and Kira ENTER and make their way down it, Odo a few paces behind. Guards are in evidence along the corridor, but Odo motions them to stay put. 24 INT. ANOTHER CORRIDOR as Shakaar and Kira round the corner, Odo trailing them. They're engaged in quiet conversation, oblivious to his presence. 25 ON ODO as he sees Shakaar lean in and say something to Kira that causes her to break into a laugh.