DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - ACT ONE 11B. 6A CONTINUED: Odo goes on to offer another suggestion. ODO There are other ways to create order in your life. Your quarters, for example. Everything in mine has its specific place. And it's all arranged just so. Worf's eyes go wide as he realizes they have this in common. WORF Yes... mine, too. Even with my eyes closed, I would still know where everything was. ODO Exactly. WORF I couldn't tolerate it any other way. ODO And I'll tell you what else to do. Make sure everyone knows that they can't just "drop by" your quarters to say hello. Worf nods thoughtfully. ODO If someone does, whatever happens, don't make them feel welcome. They're co-conspirators now, it's them against the forces of chaos. WORF Of course not. That would invite subsequent visits. ODO Precisely. WORF So far, the only person who has a tendency to "drop by" is Chief O'Brien.