DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 45 CONTINUED: LEYTON Under no circumstances is that ship to reach Earth. (a beat) The Lakota's carrying quantum torpedoes, isn't she? BENTEEN Yes, sir. LEYTON Then use them. BENTEEN Admiral, my orders were to disable the Defiant, not destroy her. LEYTON Your orders are to keep the Defiant from reaching Earth by any means necessary. Is that understood? Benteen looks troubled. She knows Leyton is telling her to destroy the ship. BENTEEN Yes, it is. SISKO Captain, you know as well as I do that there aren't any Shape-shifters on the Defiant. Use those quantum torpedoes and you'll be killing fifty Starfleet officers. LEYTON (to Sisko) Captain Benteen knows where her duty lies. (to Benteen) You have your orders. Benteen is clearly conflicted by what Leyton wants her to do. BENTEEN Yes, sir. She ends the transmission.