62:[4,#b],120:[6,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 33 CONTINUED: SISKO (knows what this means) They found what we were looking for. ODO (nods) It was just as you suspected. They even found the officer responsible. Lieutenant Arriaga. They've got him on the Defiant. 34 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Throughout the above, Odo's been working on the panel. It finally fritzes out. SISKO You have to get to the President. Tell him everything we know. And warn him that Leyton's going to make his move sometime today. ODO What about you? SISKO I have some business to take care of. Sisko takes the Security Chief's phaser and they EXIT. 35 INT. ADMIRAL LEYTON'S OFFICE - DAY A redress of Sisko's Temoorary Office. Only the personal items in the office distinguish it from the one Sisko used. Leyton is working at his desk. He's talking to someone on a monitor, but we don't have to see the screen. LEYTON (to monitor) Good luck, Captain Benteen. Leyton out. Leyton ends his transmission just as Sisko ENTERS the room still carrying his phaser. Leyton looks up at Sisko and sees the phaser. LEYTON Are you planning on using that?