DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 29 CONTINUED: LEYTON You know, Ben, I stand here looking at you, the best officer who ever served under me, trapped in that holding cell, and I think... life can be damn cruel. SISKO Let me out. Maybe life'll look a little better. Leyton doesn't answer right away, and for a moment, it looks like he's actually considering it. LEYTON I don't think I can do that just now. SISKO So what are you going to do? Keep me here forever? LEYTON You'll be free to go in a few days. SISKO Let me guess. After the President's speech. LEYTON The President won't be making a speech. I will. SISKO (sarcastic) I assume you'll be explaining to the public why it's necessary for Starfleet to seize control of Earth. LEYTON Temporarily, of course. Until the changeling threat has been neutralized. SISKO And how long will that be? Months? Years? Decades?