DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - ACT THREE 29. 20 CONTINUED: BENTEEN I'm looking forward to it. (pointedly) Too bad you won't be around for the ceremony. SISKO (faux innocence) Who knows? I might be able to fit it in. BENTEEN I thought Admiral Leyton ordered you back to Deep Space Nine. SISKO He did. But I've got some leave coming, and I've decided to take it. After all, I don't get to spend much time on Earth. (with irony) And it's so pleasant here. With a Starfleet officer on every corner. Paradise has never seemed so... well-armed. BENTEEN (smiling) You're a very interesting man, captain. I'm sorry we didn't get to work together longer. Benteen starts to leave, then turns back... BENTEEN Maybe you should think about vacationing someplace else. I hear Risal's nice this time of year. Benteen EXITS. 20A CLOSE ON SISKO Close on Sisko as he watches her leave. 21 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - DAY Sisko walks into the deserted restaurant. He looks tired. He hasn't slept all night.