DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - ACT TWO 19. 12 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO I'm sure the Admiral doesn't see it as treason. He would probably defend it as a desperate act of patriotism. Leyton and his supporters think their actions are both necessary and justified. ODO Not to mention effective. (a beat) Think about it. The power grid fails and the next thing you know, there are Starfleet security officers on the streets of every city, armed with phaser rifles, blood testing citizens at random. Jaresh-Inyo looks at Sisko for a long time. He doesn't want to believe what he's just heard, but Sisko makes a persuasive argument. JARESH-INYO Your story has a certain logic to it, gentlemen. But what it lacks so far is proof. SISKO You want proof... Order Admiral Leyton to withdraw his troops from the streets... see what he does. JARESH-INYO You think he would refuse a direct order from his commander-in-chief? SISKO If he orders his troops to stand down, then I'm wrong and I'll offer my resignation. But I don't think that's going to happen. With those troops in place, Admiral Leyton controls Earth. And he's not going to give up that control until he's convinced he's ended the Dominion threat. Jaresh-Inyo gets up and paces around the room.