DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - ACT ONE 14. 10 CONTINUED: (5) SISKO By "we" I assume you mean Red Squad. SHEPARD (eager to please) Yes, sir. After assembly we were beamed aboard the Lakota. Once aboard we received our equipment and the necessary codes, and were transported directly to the Division of Planetary Operations in Lisbon. SISKO At what time? SHEPARD It was oh-four hundred hours exactly. Local time of course. SISKO Go on, cadet. SHEPARD Our contact inside the DPO gave us access to their computer control network. From there we used the access codes we were given, bypassed the security lockouts, and downloaded the disordering protocols into the network. SISKO (putting it together) And from there the protocols spread to every power relay on the planet. SHEPARD It was a pretty, impressive sight, sir. Watching those relays wink out one after another. SISKO Sorry I missed it. Shepard now thinks everything is okay. Whatever Sisko thought went wrong, Shepard has proved it wasn't his fault.