DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - ACT ONE 13. 10 CONTINUED: (4) SISKO Maybe if you'd done your job better, it would have. (getting in Shepard's face) But you fouled it up, didn't you? You cadets did some sloppy work... some damn sloppy work. SHEPARD With all due respect, sir... that's not true, sir. The mission went perfectly. If anything, it was easier than the simulations. SISKO Son, if you think you can protect your hide by lying to me, you'd better forget it. Mistakes were made, and I will find out who's responsible. SHEPARD I'm not lying to you, sir. I was there. I was at Planetary Operations the whole time. If anything had gone wrong, I would've known about it. Sisko looks skeptical. SISKO Is that so? Sisko looks like he's considering Shepard's point of view. Finally, he softens slightly, as if trying to keep an open mind. SISKO All right, cadet. Let's go over this step-by-step from the time of your mission deployment until your return to base... (checking the PADD) ... at nineteen forty-seven hours PST on the twenty-third. SHEPARD Yes, sir. We assembled on the Eastern Quad at seventeen hundred hours on the evening of the twenty- third. This is what Sisko wanted. He encourages the cadet to continue.