DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - TEASER 5. 4 CONTINUED: (3) ACADEMY COMMANDANT (on monitor) Does Admiral Leyton know about this report? SISKO He hasn't mentioned it to me. The Commandant looks relieved. ACADEMY COMMANDANT (on monitor) Listen to me, Captain. I want that record erased before anyone else sees it. Is that understood? SISKO I'll take care of it immediately. ACADEMY COMMANDANT (grateful, on monitor) Good. That report could cause us a lot of trouble. I'm glad you spotted it. Sisko still isn't sure exactly what they're talking about, but he's playing along to see what he can learn. SISKO So am I. I'd hate to see the members of Red Squad get into any trouble. ACADEMY COMMANDANT (on monitor) They're fine young men and women. When Leyton talked to me about using them, I thought it was a mistake... but I have to admit, they performed their mission admirably. (a beat) I appreciate your call, Captain. I'm in your debt.