12:[5,#b],19:[1,#b],22:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Paradise Lost" - REV. 11/14/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Paradise Lost" TEASER FADE IN: RECAP OF "HOMEFRONT" 1 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - DAY JOSEPH SISKO and JAKE ENTER through the front door. If we can see through the window, we might be able to see Starfleet troops still patrolling the street. Joseph looks around the darkened restaurant. JOSEPH (to com) Lights. The lights come up. JAKE Are you sure re-opening the restaurant is a good idea? JOSEPH Jake, it's been four days since the power outage... have you seen any Dominion invasion fleet? JAKE (smiling) No. JOSEPH Neither have I. Joseph begins reactivating various systems throughout the restaurant... the ovens, the grill, etc. JOSEPH Besides, at my age, I don't have time to waste sitting at home being bored. JAKE There's hardly anyone out on the street. You're not going to have any customers. JOSEPH I've got plenty of customers. Just look outside. Jake looks out the window.