128:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/20/95 - ACT FOUR 41. 53 CONTINUED: (2) NOG Is he going to let us leave? QUARK Don't worry. Everything's under control. Quark notices the dog is still in the room. 54 ANGLE ON THE DOG (OPTICAL) As the German Shepherd gets up and approaches Quark. The Ferengis back away in fear from this monstrous animal. QUARK They forgot to take that thing with them. ROM It seems to like you, brother. QUARK (to the dog) Get away from me. Just then, the dog leaps up, plants its paws on Quark's shoulders, and MORPHS into... 55 ODO Who grabs Quark by the lapels and glares at him. ODO Hello, Quark. QUARK Odo? What are you doing here? ODO Placing you under arrest for attempting to smuggle kemacite.