66:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/20/95 - ACT THREE 31. 42 CONTINUED: Nurse Garland adjusts one of the hairpins holding her hair up. Rom sees it and goes over to her. ROM Vo yop toe pah? (Can I have that?) He holds out his hand. PROFESSOR CARLSON He seems to want something from you. NURSE GARLAND (joking) You'd better tell him I'm your girl. ROM Yop triska gleep do-sta gren-la. (I need that metal thing you're holding.) PROFESSOR CARLSON I think he wants your hairpin. NURSE GARLAND If you say so, Professor. Nurse Garland can't understand why a technologically sophisticated alien would want a hairpin, but she hands it to Rom with great ceremony. NURSE GARLAND Here you go. ROM Neep-gren. (Thank you.) Rom straightens the hair pin and goes over to Nog. 43 CLOSE ON NOG AND ROM As Rom begins prodding around in Nog's ear with the hairpin.