62:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/25/95 - ACT THREE 29. 40 CONTINUED: PROFESSOR CARLSON I wonder if the third one's related too. NURSE GARLAND For all we know, it could be the mother. Just then, Quark shouts at Rom... QUARK (in Ferengi) Gren fa hoe loth pex-pil? (Haven't you got that translator fixed yet?) PROFESSOR CARLSON If she is the mother, she's quite a shrew. 41 NEW ANGLE On Rom and Nog. ROM I'm working as fast as I can, brother. But there must be some kind of interference disrupting our translators. QUARK What kind of interference? ROM (thinking aloud) I'm not sure... Could be solar flares, or maybe ionic interference... (a long shot) Or I suppose it could be beta radiation. But that's only produced by nuclear fission. QUARK Don't be an idiot. Nuclear fission doesn't happen within planetary atmospheres. Nog gets a troubled look.