14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/20/95 - ACT TWO 19. ACT TWO FADE IN: 26 EXT. ARMY/AIR CORPS BASE - DAY An establishing shot of the outside of a large military building. 27 INT. OBSERVATION ROOM This is a dark, smoke-filled room, where soldiers in 1940's-era clothing study the Ferengi through what we now realize is a two-way mirror. In the center of the room is a broad-beamed, craggy- faced Army Air Corps general, the butt of a fat stogie clenched in his teeth. This is GENERAL REX DENNING, a no-nonsense veteran of two world wars who's ready to take on the Martians to defend the good old USA if necessary. Also present are Captain Wainwright, PROFESSOR JEFF CARLSON, an idealistic young scientist, his fiancee FAITH GARLAND, a Woman's Army Corps nurse, and two M.P.s, one with a large GERMAN SHEPHERD guard dog. CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT We've got the farmer who found their ship locked up in the B.O.Q., but I don't know how much longer we can keep him there. When Denning speaks it's with the gravely voice of a lifelong smoker. GENERAL DENNING You keep him there until I tell you to let him go. Did you take care of that idiot in Roswell who told the press we captured a flying saucer? CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT We've convinced him to issue a retraction. (smiling) Turns out it was just a weather balloon. GENERAL DENNING A weather balloon, huh?