DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - ACT FIVE 60. 77A CONTINUED: QUARK I think you're making a big mistake. HANOK (reaffirming) Triple over. (to Quark) Nothing personal, Quark. QUARK (smiles wanly) Of course not... Quark watches with dread as the wheel spins. It comes to a stop... and this time the crowd's reaction tells us Hanok's won. Quark tries to muster a gracious smile... QUARK You're really catching on... Off Quark's face as he realizes he's in for a long night... 77B ON BASHIR AND MORN (FORMERLY SC. 80) where Bashir is trying to be polite. BASHIR ... seventeen brothers and sisters... ? That's quite a family. Morn nods, and is about to start in again when Dax comes up to them with a DART in her hands. DAX Excuse me, Morn. She turns to Bashir. DAX It's your turn. BASHIR For what? DAX (holding it up) Darts. She fixes him with a look and he realizes she's giving him an excuse to get away.