DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT FIVE 54A. 66 CONTINUED: (2) QUARK It's a game... if we get out of this, I'll teach it to you. (beat; re: diodes) Choose one. HANOK How? QUARK It's a gamble. Go with your instinct. Hanok hesitates, struggles to decide. QUARK You're thinking too much. You just have to reach in and grab one. Without thinking about it, Quark reaches in and plucks one of the diodes out. The LIGHTS in the torpedo cut out and the hum stops. There's a beat before they realize what's just happened. Then a slow smile spreads on Quark's features. QUARK Looks like we have a winner. They both move away, sit down with immense relief..,. HANOK (a realization) That was... exciting. QUARK Feels good, doesn't it? HANOK Yes... QUARK That's how it works. The bigger the risk, the bigger the win. (beat) You know... there's another risk you could take... staying in business with me. HANOK You never give up, do you?