13:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/12/95 - ACT FIVE 53. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 66 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL where Quark and Hanok are gingerly lifting the casing off the warhead. QUARK Gently... They set it aside, breathe a sigh of relief. They look inside the warhead, and are dismayed to see that the alien technology is complex and far from clear. QUARK Okay... now what... ? Quark pulls out the tricorder, scans the torpedo. Hanok studies the innards for a moment... then indicates a particular set of diodes. HANOK One of these diodes connects the warhead to the power source... the other is the firing mechanism. Quark gives him a look. QUARK How do you know that? HANOK I saw a design schematic once. QUARK Where? HANOK At the Ministry of Trade on Karemma. (off Quark's look) We sell these torpedoes to the Jem'Hadar. Quark is momentarily stunned... QUARK You're kidding. HANOK No...