DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV-09/19/95 - ACT TWO 30. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO I don't know. Let's make it a little harder on them... shut down every non-essential system. It'll minimize our power signature... Kira and Worf set to work, moving quickly to a few consoles to shut them off... we hear the SOUND of power systems winding down. SISKO All stop. Carson works her console. SISKO (to Worf) Program the probe to home in on the first metallic signature it finds. Worf reacts... this is dangerous stuff. As he works his console: WORF If it doesn't locate anything within fifty kilometers, the probe might turn back and home in on the Defiant. KIRA What if they've changed course, moved out of range? SISKO Something tells me they're closer than you think... He says this with the simple conviction that comes from instinct. WORF The probe is ready, sir. Sisko stands perfectly still for a beat, listening to the wind outside... SISKO Fire. 42 thru OMITTED 43