DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/14/95 - ACT ONE 16. 21 CONTINUED: DAX Chief, if you can spare someone to meet me in Jefferies Tube Four, I'll try to re-route power through the secondary couplings. O'Brien turns to Muniz. O'BRIEN Muniz. MUNIZ Yes, sir. He grabs a TOOLKIT and heads for the ladder to the second level. 22 EXT. ATMOSPHERE (OPTICAL) as the Defiant sinks deeper... 23 INT. DEFIANT - MESS HALL where Quark is holding his hands over his ears to shut out the terrible SOUND of the hull groaning. Hanok is sweating, looking around at the walls as if waiting for them to give way. 24 INT. DEFIANT - JEFFERIES TUBE as Dax and Muniz scramble into position and start opening a panel. DAX All right... let's recalibrate the ODN manifold. MUNIZ I'll uncouple the plasma relay... The hull GROANS ominously. Dax sees that Muniz's hands are shaking as he works... DAX Sounds a little like a Yridian Symphony, doesn't it? MUNIZ I don't know, I've never heard one.