102:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Starship Down" - REV. 09/11/95 - TEASER 2. 2 CONTINUED: HANOK (Cont'd) In order to comply with your commerce laws, we've had to pay a series of taxes and fees that have made the cost of doing business with you too high. Quark begins to look nervous; he's about to get busted, and he has to start thinking fast. SISKO What sort of taxes and fees are you referring to? HANOK (off PADD) For example... on a recent shipment of Karemman Fleece, a four percent surcharge was added to pay for inspecting the cargo for "changeling infiltrators." SISKO What? Quark tries to push past this with a "what can you do?" smile. QUARK You never know where they might be hiding. As Hanok continues to reel off the list of problems, Sisko begins to see what's going on here, and he doesn't like it. HANOK Another three percent of the shipment's value was lost due to "unforeseen" currency fluctuations. QUARK There was a run on the Bolian Credit Exchange... played havoc with the markets... HANOK A six percent tariff was imposed to help offset the "lost income of Tarkalian sheep herders." QUARK Hardworking people... you have to feel for them...