88:[1,#b],127:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - REV. 08/31/95 - ACT FOUR 40. 38 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) Because the price for violating it was too high. (beat) Exile. DAX (quickly) I know what Curzon used to say, Benjamin. But I'm not Curzon. SISKO You're not Torias, either. You're Jadzia Dax and you have a responsibility as a joined Trill to -- DAX (sharp) I didn't come here for a lecture on my responsibilities. SISKO (right back at her) What you came here for was to get advice from a friend. And that's what you're getting. There's a beat, and then the tension drops. DAX You're right. Sorry. SISKO I know this is difficult for you. And I know how you feel about Lenara... but I want you to think about what'll happen if you pursue this. Dax stands and takes a few steps around the room. SISKO If you're exiled from Trill... there'll be no further hosts for your symbiont. When Jadzia dies... Dax dies. This affects her. She is clearly torn, struggling with her feelings.