DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - REV. 08/31/95 - ACT THREE 37. 37 CONTINUED: DAX (continuing) Maybe we shouldn't spend time together... it'll just give people the wrong idea. A long beat of silence. LENARA (quiet) Or give them the right idea. Lenara turns and they look at each other. It's a scary moment for both of them -- they both realize they're about to admit something they've both been carefully avoiding. DAX Maybe we shouldn't have this conversation. LENARA Would that do any good... would it change how either of us feels? DAX No... but it would be easier. LENARA You've never been one for the easy way out. DAX That's true. But in this case, I'm not the only one involved. I don't want to do anything that would hurt you. (beat) I did that once before... I climbed into a shuttlecraft and made you a widow. LENARA I knew you were a pilot when I married you. I knew the risks. I went in with my eyes wide open. A silent moment as Dax gets off the couch and moves closer to her. DAX And what about now... are your eyes open... do you know what the risks are?