DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - REV. 08/31/95 - ACT THREE 34. 35 CONTINUED: Bejal is just as positive about their work, but there's something on his mind and he's not sure how to bring it up. LENARA All the telemetry checks out... the wormhole was open for twenty- three point four seconds, and during that time it was completely coherent. BEJAL You couldn't ask for a better beginning. But it all comes down to the next test. We have to be able to send an object through the wormhole to prove that it's stable enough for space travel. LENARA That reminds me... Dax thinks we should use a Class Four probe to make the actual run. She says the Class Four shielding will give us a better idea of how the wormhole will affect a real ship. BEJAL Oh... I didn't know you talked to Dax since we got back. LENARA I saw her last night. BEJAL Where? LENARA She stopped by my quarters... BEJAL And how long did she stay? Lenara starts to realize what Bejal is getting at.