76:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - REV. 08/31/95 - ACT TWO 26A. 21 CONTINUED: (2) DAX Oh, he wasn't that bad. I tend to exaggerate his rebellious qualities. (beat) But you may have a point... Curzon never did have much use for scientists. Lenara looks up at her sharply... then sees the mischievous smile on Dax's face and realizes the inside joke. LENARA Well, that's interesting considering what you do now. DAX (laughs) Curzon would be horrified to know that I'm a scientist. The very idea of doing research made him ill. LENARA Torias was not much different. I can remember talking to him about my wanting to study theoretical quantum physics and his eyes glazed over. DAX The irony is that you and I have more in common than Torias and Nilani ever did. LENARA That's right... They both smile, but at the same time, this has touched on a topic that is once again edging toward some tricky territory. Fortunately for both of them, a com voice breaks in. NURSE'S COM VOICE Infirmary to Doctor Bashir. BASHIR (to com) Bashir here, go ahead.