157:[1,#b],162:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - REV. 08/31/95 - ACT TWO 20. 15 CONTINUED: DAX I'll have someone bring it here. PREN No, no. I need a break anyway. Pren EXITS, leaving Dax and Lenara alone for the first time. A few beats of silence pass as they both work their consoles. LENARA Now I'm getting a dropoff in the triple-R output. We might have a bigger problem than the diagnostic subroutines. Dax gets up and moves over to take a look at Lenara's console. DAX Don't panic yet. It could just be a transtater failure. Happens all the time. Dax is right next to Lenara as they both work the console. A few beats of silence. LENARA (quiet) I wasn't panicking. DAX It's just an expression. (looks at her in surprise) Sorry. LENARA (quickly) No, I'm sorry. Forget it. They work a moment longer. LENARA (continuing) It's just that... you always used to -- I mean Torias always used to tell Nilani that she was panicking about things... making a big fuss over nothing.