171:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - REV. 08/31/95 - ACT ONE 14. 9 CONTINUED: SISKO (to scientists) ... so in the spirit of friendship, we welcome you to Deep Space Nine and wish you success in creating the galaxy's first artificial wormhole. Everyone clinks glasses and wallahs "Here, here" as they drink a toast. The party now breaks up into more casual groupings as people begin to talk among themselves. 9A ON KIRA, WORF, BEJAL & LENARA Who form a small conversation group. LENARA (to Worf) I understand you'll be commanding the Defiant during our experiments. WORF Yes. Worf is content to leave it at that, but the two Trill are trying to make small talk. BEJAL (to Worf) You must be very excited. (off his look) To... be a part of a potentially history-making project. WORF I am... looking forward to it. LENARA (with a smile) I think Mister Worf is less than enthusiastic about commanding a research mission. It's not exactly what every Klingon dreams about. KIRA (light) What do Klingons dream about, Worf?