DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - REV. 08/30/95 - ACT ONE 8. 5 CONTINUED: KIRA But Torias was killed in a shuttle accident... BASHIR And so Nilani became a widow. Years later, when she died, the Kahn symbiont was joined to Lenara. An N.D. Ferengi Waiter moves behind the bar and begins mixing some drinks. QUARK And now... Nilani is Lenara, and Torias is Jadzia. So that makes Lenara Jadzia's ex-wife. KIRA It's a little more complicated than that, Quark. QUARK I'm sure it is. But to be honest, I'm sorry I brought the whole thing up. It's giving me a headache. BASHIR Must be all that latinum rattling around in there. Quark gives him a dirty look, then Bashir reaches out and seems to pluck a strip of LATINUM from Quark's ear. BASHIR I was right. You really should have that looked at. The N.D. Ferengi Waiter looks surprised and he leans in close to peer into Quark's ear, looking for more latinum. Quark glares at him. QUARK (deadly) Get back to work. The Waiter hurriedly returns to his job. Kira and Bashir are clearly amused, but Quark isn't. QUARK (to Bashir & Kira) If you'll excuse me...