DEEP SPACE NINE: "Rejoined" - 08/30/95 - TEASER 3. 2 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE SISKO is waiting as Dax ENTERS. He's serious, a man about to deliver some potentially disturbing news. SISKO Have a seat. Dax sits and Sisko moves to sit on the edge of the desk close to her. SISKO (continuing) A Trill science team is on its way to the station. They're coming to conduct field tests on an experimental technique for creating artificial wormholes. DAX Sounds interesting. SISKO It's an important project and I've agreed to let them use the Defiant for their experiments. (beat) But I thought you should know that the leader of the Trill science team... is Doctor Lenara Kahn. Dax sits back in her chair and we can see that she's caught completely off-guard. She's shocked and can't quite decide exactly how she feels at this moment, but tries to maintain her usual calm. DAX Kahn? Lenara... Kahn? SISKO That's right. (gently) You have about three months worth of leave accumulated. Why don't you take some of it? We can get along without you for a while. DAX (wry) Am I that dispensable around here? SISKO (joking) We won't even notice you're gone. Dax smiles a little, but lets out a long breath and makes her decision.