38:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 57. 82 CONTINUED: (2) KASIDY I know what you thought, but I took the job. (off his reaction) You think I'd give up a great opportunity just because you got cold feet? She cups Sisko's face in her hand and looks into his eyes. KASIDY You're a good man, Benjamin Sisko. But you've got a lot to learn about women... especially this one. They kiss. KASIDY I'll see you when I get back. You can help me pick out quarters. SISKO I'll be there. She EXITS. 83 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL Kira and Dax walk and talk by the viewports. DAX So what was it like... all that time alone with Dukat? KIRA I've had better weeks. (smiles) But I'll never forget the look on his face when he sat on that sand- spine. DAX I wish I'd been there. DUKAT (O.S.) Major... Kira and Dax turn to find Dukat approaching them across one of the bridges. KIRA Dukat. Where's Ziyal?