DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT FIVE 52. 65 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Breen weapon fire rakes the mineshaft. Kira, Dukat, and Heler turn and see two Breen firing on their position. Kira and Heler open fire on the Breen. As they do, Dukat runs off to find his daughter. KIRA Dukat. But Dukat isn't listening. He's on a mission and he won't be deterred. 66 CLOSE ON KIRA AND HELER As they turn their attention back to the Breen. 67 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - PASSAGEWAY Dukat runs down the corridor, comes upon a Breen soldier, and takes him out with a rifle butt to the head. He shoves his phaser-rifle against the downed guard's faceplate and shakes him conscious. DUKAT Tora Ziyal. Where is she? 68 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - CHAMBER (OPTICAL) The standoff between Kira and Heler and the Breen guards is broken when the two Cardassians return with several Bajoran prisoners. The two Breen are caught in a crossfire and shot down. KIRA (to Heler) Go get the rest of the prisoners. I'll meet you at the entrance to the mine. Heler nods. Kira EXITS, leaving through the same passageway as Dukat.