193:[1,#b],194:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT FIVE 50A. A62 CONTINUED: DUKAT And I hate to refuse it. But I'm afraid I have to. You're welcome to file an official protest with the Cardassian military when we get back. KIRA There's no way I'm leaving you alone here. DUKAT Then I suggest we devise a plan to rescue the prisoners. Together. You need me, Major. There's a beat as Kira weighs her options. Finally she decides she has no choice but to attempt the rescue now, with Dukat's help. KIRA Maybe I do. But if you hurt that girl... I promise, I'll kill you. And as Dukat reacts to this pronouncement... CUT TO: 62 INT. DILITHIUM MINE - CHAMBER Two Breen in pressure suits march down a corridor in the mine. Nearby, a Bajoran and two Cardassians work at hauling dilithium ore. They look tired and beaten down. The two Breen pass a third Breen who is standing watch. They nod to the sentry, but as they move past him, they spin and attack. After a short struggle, the surprised sentry is overpowered. One of the victorious Breen removes her helmet. It's Kira. KIRA (to the Bajoran) Don't make any noise. We're here to help. The Bajoran, whose name is HELER, looks shocked. HELER You're Bajoran.