DEEP- I SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/23/95 - ACT FOUR 44A. 54 CONTINUED: DUKAT You're right. I should have. But I made a mistake. A mistake I intend to correct. KIRA You don't have to bring her back to Cardassia with you. Let me take her to Bajor. No one has to know you're her father. Dukat stops walking. DUKAT And what kind of life would that be for her? Your people have never exactly welcomed half- Cardassian children into your society. (a beat) That's why I sent her and her mother away in the first place. I knew the Occupation was ending, and that there'd be no place for them on Bajor... or Cardassia. KIRA So you sent them to a prison camp. DUKAT (angry) They weren't headed for a prison camp. The Ravinok was supposed to rendezvous with a freighter which was to take Naprem and Ziyal to Lissepia, where they could live out their lives in peace. KIRA I don't understand. If you cared enough to help Ziyal then, how could you be thinking about killing her now? Why not send her away again? DUKAT Because times have changed. My position isn't nearly as stable as it once was. By aligning myself with the new civilian government, I've made many enemies, enemies who wouldn't hesitate to use Ziyal against me.