DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - 08/18/95 - ACT TWO 28. 30 OMITTED 31 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Runabout heading for a planet. 32 EXT. DESERT (LOCATION) - DAY Kira and Dukat, carrying packs and phaser rifles, struggle to reach the crest of a hill, fighting the intense heat and scorching wind. DUKAT Invigorating, isn't it. A bit "sunny" perhaps, but this heat feels wonderful. KIRA Only a Cardassian could call this hellhole invigorating. DUKAT Oh, that's right. I forgot. Compared to us, you Bajorans are a bit... fragile. (qualifying) Physiologically speaking, of course. KIRA Don't worry about me. She quickens her pace, and walks right past him. Dukat smiles in appreciation of her gutsiness. 33 NEW ANGLE As they crest the hill and we realize it's not a hill at all. It's a long mound created by the deep scar cut into the desert by the crashing ship. 34 ANGLE ON THE RAVINOK (OPTICAL) Sitting at the end of a long furrow, looking completely abandoned. Only a few large sections of fuselage are visible through six years of shifting sands.