DEEP SPACE NINE: "Indiscretion" - REV. 08/21/95 - ACT TWO 24. 26 CONTINUED: KIRA How'd you get a hold of this, Razka? RAZKA I bought it from a Ferengi scrap- metal merchant. Dukat picks up the piece of metal. DUKAT It appears to be composed of uridium alloy. Definitely Cardassian. KIRA Can you tell if it's from the Ravinok? Dukat takes out a Cardassian tricorder and something that looks like a high-tech jeweler's loop. He scans the fragment, then begins examining it through the loop. 27 CLOSE ON RAZKA AND KIRA As they watch Dukat go to work. RAZKA Why didn't you tell me you were bringing him? KIRA When we talked, I didn't know I would be. RAZKA Too bad. The Maquis would've paid handsomely to get their hands on him. Dukat continues with his work, but he's not about to ignore Razka's remark. DUKAT And my government would be very happy to get their hands on you.