97:[1,#b],175:[1,#b],215:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Visitor" - REV. 08/14/95 - ACT TWO 23. 23A INT. UPPER PYLON (PRESENT) (FORMERLY SCENE 24) where Jake stands looking out at the stars. After a moment Kira approaches. KIRA Jake... ? He turns at the sound of her voice. KIRA I want to talk to you about something. She looks at him with concern and sympathy, continues in a quiet voice. KIRA I spoke with your grandfather... he told me he'd asked you to come live with him. Jake looks away, not wanting to hear this. KIRA Even if this sector weren't on the brink of war, I'd still like to see you leave the station. Jake's emotions flare, he's almost angry, as if the feelings he's kept in check are finally coming to the fore. JAKE I'm not going anywhere. KIRA (gently) Jake... if I wanted to, I could order you to go. Jake's voice fills with emotion... he's pleading from the depths of his shattered heart. JAKE Please don't make me leave. Not yet. This is my home. He looks away, choked up for a beat. JAKE When Dad and I came here, this place was just an abandoned shell; he turned it into something. (glancing around) Everywhere I look... it's like I'm seeing a part of him.