92:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 03/13/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 45 CONTINUED: (4) BASHIR I suppose I am lucky at that... ELIZABETH So what's happening on Bajor? Were you able to get the T-cell anomalies under control... BASHIR If you're really interested, why don't we go to the Infirmary and I can show you my latest results? ELIZABETH I'd love to... As they move away to EXIT the bar, we DROP OFF on Quark, who's eyes go wide with hope... he rushes over to Morn, who's sitting at the bar. QUARK Morn... He gestures toward Bashir and Elizabeth, who are now EXITING to the Promenade... QUARK About that bet. I believe the odds were three to one. Off Morn's disappointed face... 46 EXT. SPACE - BAJORAN SHIP (OPTICAL) as it limps along with its remaining sails... 47 INT. BAJORAN SHIP where Sisko is working the com unit, sending out another distress call. Jake sees that he seems worried, and it worries him, too. JAKE So, dad... we're not going to run out of air or anything, are we? SISKO Don't worry. Someone'll find us before that happens. Sisko decides to make conversation to try and take Jake's mind off their situation.