23:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 03/01/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 43 CONTINUED: (4) JAKE Do you think we could have been carried that far away from the station... ? Sisko looks out at the stars... SISKO I suppose it's possible... Jake sees the look on his dad's face... JAKE They'll find us eventually... right? Sisko tries not to look worried... SISKO Sure... But Jake can see the concern in his father's features... off this moment... 44 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing, the Lexington might be in view. 45 INT. QUARK'S SUPERNUMERARIES as needed. A hung-over Bashir is surreptitiously watching Doctor Lense, who is sitting with a fellow officer at the bar. After a beat, the other officer leaves. Bashir steels himself, then approaches... BASHIR Excuse me... She looks up at him... ELIZABETH Yes... ? There seems to be a flicker of recognition on her features. BASHIR We went to medical school together. I'm Julian Bashir. She reacts with surprise, though the name is definitely known to her.