11:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 03/13/95 - ACT THREE 27. ACT THREE FADE IN: 25 EXT. SPACE - BAJORAN SHIP (OPTICAL) as it sails past... 26 INT. BAJORAN SHIP where Sisko is looking out one of the portholes through the sextant... Jake is unrolling a star chart and fastening it to the table using the clamps that run along its sides. SISKO (off sextant reading) Jake, trim the starboard sprit by about six degrees... Jake takes a crank handle and complies... Sisko looks out a nearby porthole at the sail... JAKE O.K. How's that? SISKO That should do it... we'll start picking up speed as the pressure on the sails builds... Sisko swings the sextant around to the other porthole and takes another reading. Meanwhile, Jake takes a look around the room... JAKE Hey, Dad... where do we sleep? SISKO (as he works) There are hammocks we can string up later... Jake nods, moves to open the door to the bathroom. Though Jake's body blocks most of our view, we can see that it's tiny, barely large enough to stand in. JAKE This is the bathroom? SISKO It was designed for a zero-gravity environment... JAKE (at a loss) How do you...