46:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Explorers" - REV. 03/02/95 - ACT ONE 16. 11 CONTINUED: DAX I take it the two of you were... competitive. BASHIR Absolutely. We were neck and neck right up to the final exam. And then I blew it. (a beat) And that's how she wound up on the Lexington. A post virtually everyone in our graduating class was hoping for. DAX Including you? BASHIR No, this is the assignment I wanted. DAX Then what does it matter? BASHIR Don't you see? She could've had this post, she could've taken it from me. Somehow... no matter what I accomplish while I'm here, that'll always make me feel... second best... And with that, Bashir turns and EXITS to the Promenade... leaving Dax to wonder if maybe she should stop teasing him so much... 12 INT. BAJORAN SHIP where Sisko is using a BAJORAN LASER TORCH to weld together a winch that's used to trim the sails. The ship's interior has taken shape around him. The walls and floor reflect the gentle, graceful curves of the exterior design. Compressed air tanks are built into the walls, and in places we get a suggestion of their existence. There might be little nooks and ledges formed where the walls and floor meet, places a person might perch themselves to read. Because this was a zero-gravity ship, the ceiling is quite low, and like the walls and floor, there are handles on it for the crew to grab onto. The interior has an almost Jules Verne feel to it.