DEEP SPACE: "Through... Glass" - 02/02/95 - ACT ONE 6. 8 CONTINUED: (2) O'BRIEN (Cont'd) That saves me having to give you a history lesson. (a beat) But I'd better update you on current events. Since your officers left, we've started a rebellion against the Klingon/Cardassian Alliance. We're fighting for our lives. SISKO I wish you luck, but I don't see what that has to do with me. O'BRIEN It has everything to do with you. You were the leader of the Terran Rebellion. At least, our Benjamin Sisko was. SISKO Was? O'BRIEN Captain Sisko's dead. The Cardassians blew up his ship. Sisko doesn't need to have a picture drawn for him. SISKO And you want me to take his place. O'BRIEN Like I said, you're quick. SISKO Well I've got a better idea. We're going to walk back to the transporter pad and you're going to send me home. O'BRIEN Wait. Hear me out. I'm not asking for a lifetime commitment. I just need you to finish the mission Sisko was on when he was killed. SISKO I'm sorry, but you're going to have to find someone else. I don't belong here and I'm not about to interfere with events in this universe.