53:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - REV. 01/27/95 - ACT FIVE 53. 35 CONTINUED: (7) TAIN (to Garak) It's not a trick, it's a choice. You can walk out that door, or you can join me. Garak looks at him with a mixture of surprise and disbelief. GARAK Join you... ? TAIN That is what you've been waiting for, isn't it? To end your exile, to come back into the fold. I'm giving you the chance to serve Cardassia again... at my side. GARAK You'll pardon me if I appear a little startled... but are you saying all is forgiven? TAIN I can't forgive what you did... but I can try to forget... put it aside as if it never happened. He moves closer to Garak... TAIN So... do you want to go back to your shop and hem pants... or shall we pick up where we left off? As he says this, Tain extends a hand to Garak. Before Garak decides what to do, Odo steps in. ODO Garak, this is the man who put you into exile, the man who two days ago tried to have you killed... Garak looks down at Tain's hand for a moment longer... GARAK Yes, he is... and it doesn't matter... (beat) I'm back...