DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - REV. 01/25/95 - ACT FIVE 49. 35 CONTINUED: (2) TAIN I think you'll find that when I have something to say, you won't have any trouble understanding it. They hold each other's look for a moment. TAIN (to Garak) To answer your question, Garak, I'm not on a pleasure cruise. (beat) This ship is part of a fleet of Romulan and Cardassian vessels... a fleet which will soon be traveling through the wormhole into the Gamma Quadrant. A disturbing realization begins to dawn on Odo... ODO I take it you're not on a mission of peaceful exploration... TAIN Not exactly... ODO You're going to attack the Dominion, aren't you... ? You're going to stage a first strike against them, before they can come into the Alpha Quadrant. TAIN A clear and precise analysis. Commander Sisko must find you a valuable advisor. Garak is both surprised and impressed by Tain's plan... GARAK It's a daring plan... I didn't think there was anyone in the Central Command bold enough to take on the Dominion. TAIN Who said anything about the Central Command? This is a joint operation between the Obsidian Order and the Tal Shiar. We've been building a fleet of ships in the Orias System for months now.