DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - REV. 01/25/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 35 CONTINUED: TAIN Come now... haven't you ever been the least bit curious about me... about my relationship with Garak... our work in the Obsidian Order? ODO I seldom waste time speculating about retired spymasters and their associates... Tain smiles slightly, turns back to Garak. TAIN (re: Odo) He's good. He hides his true feelings almost as well as you do, Elim. He'd have made a good operative, in the old days. GARAK I've had the same thought myself. (beat) But then, those days are long gone. At least they are for me. (looking around) You, on the other hand, seem to have left your retirement far behind. Unless you're simply on a pleasure cruise with your pointed-eared friends. Tain turns to Odo. TAIN Cunning, isn't he? He makes a racial slur within earshot of two Romulans, putting me in the position of either having to defend them -- and thus giving away my allegiance to them -- or letting the comment pass... in which case he's managed to plant a seed of discord between us. ODO Frankly, I don't find any of this interesting. You both go to such lengths to hide the true meaning of your words that you end up saying nothing.