113:[1,#b],123:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - 01/25/95 - ACT THREE 29. 21 CONTINUED: (2) ROMULAN (even) We're just grateful to have found him at all. Now if you're finished, Commander, I have other matters to attend to. And she ENDS the transmission. Sisko and Odo exchange a look. SISKO I take it you don't believe her either... ODO No... SISKO But the question still remains, why would the Romulans want to have Garak killed? ODO I don't know... (wry) -- considering those uniforms of theirs, you'd think they'd appreciate a good tailor... Sisko allows himself a small smile... SISKO So where does this leave your investigation? ODO At a standstill. (frustrated) We don't know that the Romulans hired the Flaxian... we don't even know that it was Retaya who tried to kill Garak. All we do know is that a bomb went off in Garak's shop. SISKO All right, then let's start with him. Sisko moves around the room, trying to put the puzzle together.