DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - REV. 01/27/95 - ACT THREE 28. 21 CONTINUED: SISKO We've been told that he may have worked as an assassin. ROMULAN I have nothing to corroborate that... though it wouldn't surprise me. SISKO Not long after he came here, someone tried to kill a Cardassian who lives aboard the station. ROMULAN (thinking) That would be... Mister Garak. A cobbler, I believe... SISKO A tailor, actually. She seems genuinely miffed to have gotten this wrong. ROMULAN I'll correct our records. That is, if he's still alive... ? SISKO He is. The Romulan moves to bring the discussion to a close. ROMULAN Well... is there anything else? ODO Just one more thing. How long had the Tal Shiar been looking for Retaya? ROMULAN Nearly a year. Why? ODO Isn't it curious that you finally caught up with him here, just hours after he attempted to kill Mister Garak.