DEEP SPACE: "Improbable... " - 01/25/95 - ACT ONE 13. 9 CONTINUED: (2) The two men size each other up for a beat, then Garak continues scrolling. After a moment... GARAK I'm afraid I don't recognize any of these names... ODO The bomb could've been planted days ago, even weeks. I suggest you keep going back just to be sure. GARAK (as he scrolls) This could take forever. ODO I would think you'd have plenty of time on your hands, now that your shop is no longer... open for business. Garak shoots him a look. The door OPENS and O'Brien walks in, carrying a PADD. O'BRIEN I finished running the biomolecular scan you asked for. He hands Odo the PADD, then mentions something that strikes him as odd. O'BRIEN I found traces of living tissue on the bulkhead around the blast site... Odo reacts, studies the PADD. Garak gets up from behind the desk to see, as well. ODO It looks like the remains of a pheromonic sensor. O'BRIEN A what? Odo answers as if by rote, his mind is somewhere else...