22:[9,#b] DEEP SPACE: "Distant Voices" - 01/11/95 - ACT FIVE 45. 56 INT. OPS Close on one of the doors. We hear the sound of a phaser beam cutting through metal. The sound stops, then the doors are slowly pried open by Garak. Garak peers into Ops. GARAK Anyone home? There's no response, but Garak reacts to what he sees off- screen with mild surprise. He pries the doors open the rest of the way, and then reaches into the hall and help Bashir hobble in. Bashir looks about a hundred years old. He looks around at Ops. 57 NEW ANGLE - BASHIR'S P.O.V. Ops is festooned with streamers and party balloons. There's a big "Happy Birthday!" banner hanging across the door to Sisko's office. TWO DABO GIRLS appear at either side of the doorway. They take hold of Bashir. DABO GIRL #1 Surprise! One of them puts a party hat on his head, the other gives him a noise maker. BASHIR What's all this? Dabo Girl #1 launches into "Happy Birthday." Bashir looks over at Garak, who smiles and toots a noisemaker. Garak joins in for the final few lines of "Happy Birthday." DABO GIRL #1 (singing) "Happy Birthday, Dear Julian... " GARAK AND DABO GIRL #1 (SINGING TOGETHER) "Happy Birthday to you." GARAK (singing, alone) "And many more." (smiles) Doctor, I really must congratulate you. You have a fascinating mind.