DEEP SPACE: "Distant Voices" - 01/11/95 - ACT FOUR 42. 50 CONTINUED: Bashir turns and find Quark standing behind them. Quark seems a lot less worried than he did the last time we saw him. BASHIR Quark, where did all these people come from? QUARK Just goes to show you... give the people what they want, and they'll show up in droves. (smiles) Now... care to place a wager. BASHIR A wager? On what? QUARK You name it... On how much longer you've got to live... What organ will fail first... ultimate cause of death. The house is covering all bets. BASHIR What if I want to bet that I'll survive? QUARK It's a longshot, but if you want to throw your money away, who am I to stop you? As Bashir reacts to this... CROWD Dabo! Bashir and Quark turn back to the table and see that O'Brien is now dead on the slab. 51 CLOSE ON QUARK As he leans over the body. QUARK (scared) Oh-oh. Looks like all bets are off. Suddenly a hand reaches into frame and grabs Quark by the neck. It's the Lethean, who has replaced O'Brien on the slab.