DEEP SPACE: "Distant Voices" - 01/11/95 - ACT THREE 30-31. 28 CONTINUED: (2) BASHIR (Cont'd) Which means when I talk to you, I'm really just talking to myself. O'BRIEN I wish you'd stop saying that. BASHIR But there's no other possible explanation. KIRA So you're saying that I'm you? BASHIR In a manner of speaking. KIRA (pointing to Odo) And I suppose he's you, too? BASHIR (putting it together) All of you are. It's like you each embody a different aspect of my personality... a different voice in my head. O'BRIEN I don't believe we're having this discussion. BASHIR If I had to guess, I'd say you represent doubt and disbelief. O'BRIEN I do not. O'Brien catches himself as he realizes what he's said only confirms Bashir's theory. BASHIR (smiles) I knew you'd say that. (to Kira) Major, you're the perfect choice to represent my aggression. Odo, you embody my suspicions and fears. And Dax... to me you've always represented confidence and a sense of adventure. DAX Thank you, Julian.